more eloquent

美 [mɔːr ˈeləkwənt]英 [mɔː(r) ˈeləkwənt]
  • adj.雄辩的;流利的;有口才的;传神的
  • eloquent的比较级
more eloquentmore eloquent
  1. The gesture had more eloquent than any words his father could have spoken .


  2. The eyes are more eloquent than the words .


  3. Her eyes grew larger and more eloquent .


  4. The gratitude in his big , soft eyes was more eloquent than any words could have been .


  5. In organizing speeches , we have become more eloquent and our writings more logical .


  6. Words were not heeded here ; and silence was more eloquent .


  7. It was more eloquent than speech .


  8. He did not answer ; he did not need to : the gratitude in his big , soft eyes was more eloquent than any words could have been .


  9. My professors would be more eloquent in a theoretical rebuttal of that charge , but I want to counter it myself with a personal anecdote .


  10. And if you genuinely love one another truly hold one another in your hearts wouldn 't simply saying it be far more eloquent than any other gift that you could give ?


  11. Individually these tools can save pennies or a few dollars per day , but when integrated into a more eloquent system , we can see the huge savings of having a smart home .


  12. He spoke well , but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed , and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride .


  13. Such is the nature of men , that howsoever they may acknowledge many others to be maro witty , or more eloquent , or more learned ; yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves . & T.
